Friday, April 28, 2006


Are we the last people on the planet to see the movie Brokeback Mountain? It'd beensitting on my kitchen counter for weeks (a la Netflix) but we just hadn't had a minute of free time to watch it. We made time last Saturday night. My husband was leery initially - uncomfortable at the thought of watching the whole "mounting" scene. Once whe got past that, though, he actually ended up really enjoying the story. We both did - tremendously. We, very quickly, stopped seeing the characters as "two dudes" and just started seeing them as "two people" - obviously connected and in-love yet completely unable to be together. We rooted for them and their love until the end. The scenery was just incredible - it was a beautiful movie - and everyone in it was amazing. I adored Jake Gyllenhaal's character, Jack, but Heath Ledger's portrayal of Ennis blew me away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We haven't seen it yet. Honestly, it's not one I'll rush out to get but once it turns up I pay per view I probably will. Not sure though.

BTW, great job on the weight loss!!!!