Friday, September 01, 2006

Lost my iPod!

I'm so annoyed... I have (rather - had) a little iPod Shuffle that my husband won as a tee-prize at a golf tournament a year and a half ago and gave to me. I never dreamed I'd want one until I actually started using it - I grew to love it! Unfortunately, it was lost somehow last week. I had it Monday (at the gym) but couldn't find it Wednesday when I went. I've checked my car, purse, lost-and-found at the gym... It has simply fallen off the face of the earth!

My hubby - bless his soul - took pity upon me (he knows how attached I was to it) and has ordered me a new one. This time, I'm getting a regular iPod - the 60GB one that holds not only music, but podcasts, pictures and up to 150 videos as well! I'm such a lucky girl...

Update: When things fall off the face of the earth, they apparently fall into my laundry room. A day and a half after my Shuffle disappeared, that's where I found it! I brought it in from the car Monday - wanting to add a few newly-downloaded songs onto it - and set it down in there for some reason... Mystery solved!

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