Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Seriously... Wow.

I'm exhausted - emotionally spent after last nights' 2-hour Grey's Anatomy season finale. Sundays' show was good. Mondays' was excellent. God I love that show. I can't believe I have to wait until - what - August? September? - to see what will happen next. (Have I mentioned that I love that show?)

A few things to note... I'm not sure I'm thrilled that the writers made Izzie do what she did. I understand that sometimes love makes you desperate - but that was so wrong. She's gone through so much to get where she is and I can't imagine how her career can be saved now. I adored Denny's character and hate that he had to die. (God forbid, of course, that you have a happy couple!) I love that Alex finally put on a human-being hat and that he was there for Izzie. The scene where he coaxed her from the bed of her dead boyfriend was fantastic. Sandra Oh's Christina made me want to pull out my hair. She is the most emotionally constipated person I've ever seen! I kept begging for her to give Preston a little bit of what he needed but she just could not do it - not until the last second, anyway. I was bothered by her distance - was it because she was upset by his injuries and couldn't handle seeing him in pain/turmoil? Or was it because an injured man - a man who might not again be the brilliant surgeon he once was - not attractive to her?

Being the tortured Mer/Der fan that I am, I, of course, hope that she chooses (chose) to go home with Derek after the "prom". I've heard, however, that Chris O'Donnell (Finn) is going to be back next season so it doesn't look terribly likely...

I read that the show is moving from Sunday night to Thursday in the Fall (not sure what time). I have no doubt that it will do well and that loyal followers of the show will move with it!

Thank you Shonda Rhimes for creating the show that is Grey's Anatomy!


Shelly M. Burrows said...

I have to agree with you. Grey's Anatomy Rocks! It is one of my most favorite shows. My tivo is busy busy busy. I hate that they are making us wait so long to see what happens. Do you watch LOST? Man that is another awesome show.. Well, I just wanted to add my two cents. Shelly bugs-momma.blogspot.com

AnnKMc said...

Grey's Anatomy demands my attention every Sunday night and I do not have a clue how I got hooked since I am NOT a network tv person. I am usually on TLC or HGTV. I agree with you about Izzie. It was a little over the top and didn't you think that Christina would have been remembering her ordeal just before when he was SO there for her? Man, I just hope they can keep the writing up because it will be HARD to do.

I've enjoyed reading your blog. Thanks!
