Thursday, August 18, 2005

Halfway to 70

Today is my 35th birthday. My Mom said to me this morning "Boy - you're halfway to 40 now!" (meaning halfway there from 30). I laughed and told her "No - I'm halfway to 70!" - hah! I've been asked if I "feel" older. I don't really - I feel great. I'm starting to notice visible signs of aging, of course, and I'm not so thrilled about that - but I don't "feel" any different than I did 10 years ago.

I often find myself in a reflective mood on birthdays and anniversaries. I sit here today, with a heavy heart, watching on the news what is happening at that Neve Dekalim synagogue in the Gaza Strip between Israeli forces and the Jewish settlers and I feel so very thankful for the life that I have. I look forward to my next 35!

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