Thursday, October 27, 2005


Beta is officially a Tropical Storm now. I feel bad for Central America but, hopefully, this one won't affect Floridians or anyone else in the southeast United States...


Octobermom said...

Hey there,
CA is the NAET capital! They're actually about to do a free trial for ASD children that will start in December. Feel free to email me directly (the email in on my profile page) if you want more NAET info. I'm quite the cheerleader for this stuff!

me said...

Unfortunately, where I am in CA, there is nobody who does it within 100 miles of us. I'd have to drive down to L.A. to see one which isn't a huge deal but I'm a nervous Momma and would feel more comfortable about doing it if there was someone close-by ("just in case"). I'll drop you an e-mail - thanks!

Crazy Politico said...

What's the next letter in the Greek alphabet?