Tuesday, December 18, 2007

"Everybody - Just Pretend To Be Normal, OK?"

I just finished watching the movie Little Miss Sunshine. Finally. I recorded it on my DVR close to a year ago and just now found the time to sit down and actually watch the entire film from beginning to end.

It has, without a doubt, become one of my favorite movies. It's quirky - without a doubt - and there are some uncomfortable scenes (a heroin-snorting-Grandpa Edwin) and crude language. I loved the messages it subtly (and sometimes not-so-subtly) purveyed about family, differences, acceptance, stereotypes and just life in general.

It was inexpensively made (for approximately $8 million) and not widely seen until a company purchased the rights to it (a la the Sundance Film Festival) for $10 million. It was released in the U.S. on August 18, 2006 (my birthday!) and out on DVD in December of the same year. As of February 2007, it had made over $59 million in the U.S. and over $94 million worldwide - amazing!

2007 Academy Awards won:
Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role (Alan Arkin)
Best Original Screenplay

2007 Academy Award Nominations:
Best Picture of the Year
Best Performance by an Actres in a Supporting Role (Abigail Breslen)

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