Saturday, August 19, 2006

Weekend Ramblings

I had a great birthday yesterday. My kids gave me cards (store-bought and homemade) in the morning as well as a bottle of this new cologne I've been wanting. I received a few birthday e-mails and was serenaded with Happy Birthday a few times.

After lunch, we attended a Meet-The-Teacher gathering at the kids' elementary school. We were able to finally meet their 1st grade teachers and check out their new classrooms. In the afternoon my daughter had a girlfriend over to play while my son and I baked peanut-butter cookies.

We had a baby-sitter in the evening and went out for Italian food with my parents and our best friends. My Mom surprised me with a few great gifts - a computer program I'd been wanting (Master Cook Deluxe 9.0) and three books on my Amazon WishList. My sister sent me a lovely bouquet of lillies and our friends brought me a huge basket filled with New Orleans foods (mix for beignets, gumbo, jambalaya and dirty rice) as well as bottle of Bacardi Hurricane Drink Mix and one of Emeril Lagasse's amazing cookbooks. I was completely surprised by my husband with a gorgeous peridot (my birthstone) necklace presented to me just before dinner. He told me that he and our jeweler had been working on it for a while and I absolutely love it - it's not like anything I've ever seen before.

I'm not a fan of getting older but had a rather excellent day regardless!

We did a lot of work in he yard today and took the kids for haircuts before having dinner at The Elephant Bar. Tomorrow (Sunday), we will take it easy and enjoy our last day with the kids before they start the 2006-07 schoolyear. I think we're in for another heat-wave so we'll probably spend most of our day in the pool. It's Hard to believe that the Summer is over already!

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