Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

We are taking the children to a Rescue Mission today to help serve a meal. It's the first time we've ever done this with them and, at 6 and 7, I'm not 100% certain that they're at an appropriate age. We're going to give it a shot, though, as we both feel it is important for them to start understanding that not all people are as fortunate as they are.

Afterwards, we will head to my Mother's house for football and, of course, some over-indulging of turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

O.J. to discuss killings

LOS ANGELES - Fox plans to broadcast an interview with O.J. Simpson in which the former football star discusses "how he would have committed" the slayings of his ex-wife and her friend, for which he was acquitted, the network said.

The two-part interview, titled "O.J. Simpson: If I Did It, Here's How It Happened," will air Nov. 27 and Nov. 29, the TV network said.

Simpson has agreed to an "unrestricted" interview with book publisher Judith Regan, Fox said.

"O.J. Simpson, in his own words, tells for the first time how he would have committed the murders if he were the one responsible for the crimes," the network said in a statement. "In the two-part event, Simpson describes how he would have carried out the murders he has vehemently denied committing for over a decade."

The interview will air days before Simpson's new book, "If I Did It," goes on sale Nov. 30. The book, published by Regan, "hypothetically describes how the murders would have been committed."

In a video clip on the network's Web site, an off-screen interviewer says to Simpson, "You wrote 'I have never seen so much blood in my life.'"

"I don't think any two people could be murdered without everybody being covered in blood," Simpson responds.

Simpson, who now lives in Florida, was acquitted in a criminal trial of the 1994 killings of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend Ronald Goldman. Simpson was later found liable in 1997 in a wrongful death lawsuit filed by the Goldman family.

Messages left with Simpson and his attorney Yale Galanter were not immediately returned.

My Lord - does the man have no shame?! This makes me ill.

"Hypothetically"? Hah! I, personally, am of the belief that he knows exactly how those two people were murdered.

Is Fox paying him for this interview? Is he getting paid for writing the book??

Flu Shots and Mercury

From The National Autsm Association:

Most Americans Surprised, Concerned that 90 Percent of Flu Shots Contain the Toxin Mercury

Health Officials' Aggressive Flu Shot Campaign May Disregard Safety, According to Survey of 9,000 Americans

74 Percent of Respondents Unaware Flu Shots Contain Mercury, 78 Percent Disagree with CDC About Vaccinating Pregnant Women and Children

PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 13 /PRNewswire/ -- As health officials step up their effort to vaccinate Americans against the flu, a new survey suggests serious concerns over the toxin mercury, an ingredient in over 90 percent of this season's flu shot supply., a parent-led organization advocating vaccine safety, commissioned a survey of over 9,000 Americans to learn their plans for getting flu shots, their knowledge of its ingredients, and who they hold responsible for making sure vaccines are safe.
The survey revealed that the overwhelming majority of Americans were unaware that most flu shots contain mercury and that they would refuse a shot with mercury. (See page two for the key findings.)

"More than 75 percent of Americans feel a mercury-containing flu shot should not be given to a pregnant woman or a child, despite recommendations from medical authorities to do just that," said Lisa Handley, a founding parent of Her own son, Jamison, had an adverse reaction to a flu shot containing mercury in 2003. "I know firsthand how life-changing a flu shot with mercury can be, since our son began his regression into autism after his flu shot."

In 1999, government agencies called for the removal of Thimerosal, the mercury-based preservative in most vaccines. Then, in 2001, the American Academy of Pediatrics stated that, "mercury in all of its forms is toxic to the fetus and children, and efforts should be made to reduce exposure to the extent possible to pregnant women and children as well as the general population." Despite these actions, 90 percent of this season's flu vaccines still contain Thimerosal, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are recommending the vaccine for pregnant women and children six months and older.

These recommendations come on the heels of recent studies that reveal new findings about the neurological effects of mercury and question the effectiveness of flu shots. Mercury, the second most toxic element after plutonium, is estimated to be 500 to 1,000 times more toxic than lead.

"A common myth is that Thimerosal is added to vaccines in 'trace' amounts," said Mike Wagnitz, who has over 20 years experience evaluating materials for mercury and is employed as a senior chemist with the University of Wisconsin. "The concentration of mercury in a multi-dose flu vaccine vial is 50,000 parts per billion. To put this in perspective, drinking water cannot exceed 2 parts per billion of mercury, and waste is considered hazardous if it has only 200 parts per billion. Is it really safe then to inject pregnant women, newborns, and infants with levels of mercury 250 times higher than what is legally classified as hazardous waste?"

Agreeing that mercury has no place in vaccines, seven states have passed Thimerosal bans in recent years: California, Delaware, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, New York, and Washington. California is the first to have implemented the ban for the current flu season, but Governor Schwarzenegger temporarily overturned the ban on November 2 after a shortage of mercury-free flu shots led to pressure from state medical groups.

"Parents need to be informed about all aspects of their children's healthcare, including vaccines," said Deirdre Imus, President and founder of The Deirdre Imus Environmental Center for Pediatric Oncology at Hackensack University Medical Center and co-founder and co-director, with husband Don Imus, of The Imus Cattle Ranch for Kids with Cancer. "It doesn't make common sense to inject Thimerosal, a known neurotoxin, into the bloodstream of our babies."

This fall, two studies were published in leading medical journals admitting that limited data exists to support the effectiveness of flu shots. One study, in the Journal of the American Medical Association, noted that, "there is scant data on the efficacy and effectiveness of influenza vaccine in young children."

"So, not only is the flu shot's effectiveness in doubt, there is plenty of evidence revealing the devastating effects of mercury," said J.B. Handley, Lisa's husband and a founder of "Our health authorities are not being forthcoming about mercury's presence in shots and its toxicity to the nervous system. Our children deserve better."

"With everything we know about the dangers of mercury and the havoc it can wreak on young, developing brains, there is no excuse for any vaccine to contain mercury," said Lyn Redwood, RN, MSN, President of SafeMinds, a nonprofit committed to ending mercury-induced neurological disorders. "The survey reveals that Americans are overwhelmingly in the dark about what is in most flu shots. They do not want a known neurotoxin injected into their children, and they believe Congress and medical professionals must be more vigilant about keeping vaccines safe and mercury-free."

Key findings from the poll, conducted October 27-30 by Zogby International, include:

* 74 percent of respondents are unaware that most flu shots contain
* After learning that mercury is an ingredient, 74 percent are less likely
to get a flu shot and 86 percent of parents say they are less likely to
get their child a flu shot.
* 78 percent of respondents believe mercury should not be an ingredient in
flu shots given to pregnant women and children.
* 73 percent believe the government should warn pregnant women not to get
a flu shot if it contains mercury.
* More than 70 percent agree that Congress, doctors and medical groups
(e.g., the American Academy of Pediatrics) should take responsibility
for ensuring that vaccines do not contain mercury.
* 80 percent of respondents and 82 percent of parents are willing to pay
the $2.50 additional cost for a mercury-free flu shot. is a parent-led initiative advocating vaccine safety and a division of Generation Rescue, a nonprofit organization providing parents with information on the relationship between mercury and its relationship to Autism Spectrum Disorders. Generation Rescue gives parents information to make informed decisions about treatment options and physicians. Generation Rescue is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit founded in 2005.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Bringing Up The Rear

My poor husband... He's spent he whole evening "preparing" for his very first colonoscopy tomorrow. His doctor has been urging him to have one done since he turned 50 last yea and tomorrow is the big day. Wish him (us!) luck!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Oh boy...

Almost a month since my last post? Where does the time go? October was a busy month for us with the school's jog-a-thon, Halloween preparations and parties, trick-or-treating and class celebrations. I'd like to say that November should be slower but I know it won't be! Thanksgiving and then, of course, Christmas, will be here before we know it.

The kids enjoyed trick-or-treating this year. My daughter was a genie and my son was a race-car driver. (Both costumes were from Gymboree and just adorable.) The kids were so cute - bubbling with excitement and absurdly thankful for every last piece of anything that was tossed into their trick-or-treat buckets. It's not my favorite holiday - but the little ones certainly enjoy it!

I've been busy preparing for something I hope to do well with on eBay... I've started making bracelets for little girls! I've researched a lot and have taken my time in learning and have found that I really enjoy this. I'm using only quality findings - glass beads (no plastic), Swarovski crystals, Grade A cat's eye beads and sterling silver (not silver plated) spacers and clasps. I'm going to start blogging about the iems I create soon and will post information here on that. Wish me luck!

The children finished their first quarter of 1st grade (already) and both received fantastic report cards. I'm so proud. They both have to work very hard to keep up with the math but their reading is coming along wonderfully. It's so much fun to witness them learn and grow!

I'm enjoying the heck out of my primetime television shows this Fall. Studio 60 is so incredible - it ticks me off that there is talk of it getting cancelled already. I wish the network would give it more time. I agree with the TV Guide writer who said that it might be "too smart a show" for people. They're talking about replacing it with Deal Or No Deal for heaven's sake. Gag! It's brilliantly written (Studio 60) and the acting is just amazing. I'll be sad to see it go. Amazing Race has been fun as has Survivor. I, of course, am loving Grey's Anatomy. What fun, last week, to learn that Dr. McDreamy has a McSister! I'm unsure about the way Dr. Burke's injury storyline is going but trust Shonda Rhimes and am trying to be patient. (Interesting gossip about Isaiah Washington's behavior on-set, isn't there?) I wsn't surprised when TR Knight "came out" a few weeks ago and was pleased to learn that he is apparently seeing an actor from another favorite new show of mine - Brothers & Sisters!